
基于DAISY描述符和改进型权重核的快速局部立体匹配 被引量:7

Fast Local Stereo Matching via DAISY Descriptor and Modified Weight Kernel
摘要 为了消除双目立体歧义,提出一种基于DAISY特征和改进型权重核的快速立体匹配。首先,稠密构造局部特征DAISY描述计算初始匹配成本;基于Epanechnikov权重核双通聚合消除特征相似歧义得可靠匹配代价;优胜者全选逐像素优化初始视差。然后,利用改进型双边滤波、对称一致性验证和多方向权重视差外插等策略改善视差。实验表明,该方法能有效提高匹配精度,得到分段光滑、精度高的稠密视差,且结构简单、复杂度低。 A fast stereo matching based on DAISY feature descriptor and modified weight kernel is proposed to eliminate the ambiguity of binocular stereo problem.Firstly,the local DAISY feature descriptors of both stereo pairs are constructed fast and densely for initial matching costs being calculated from the features;two-pass aggregation with Epanechnikov weight kernel for the reliable costs are applied to resolve ambiguity of matching feature similarities;each pixel's initial disparity is obtained via Winner-Takes-All optimization from them.Secondly,in order to improve the quality of disparity map,we adopt sequentially the refining procedures with modified bilateral filtering,symmetric consistency check and multi-directional weighted disparity extrapolation.The experiments indicate that this technique with concise structure and low complexity can improve effectively the matching accuracy and obtain comparably accurate and piecewise smooth dense disparity map.
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第4期70-76,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(61001152 61071166 61071091 61172118) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2010523) 江苏省高校自然科学基金(11KJB510012) 南京邮电大学校科研基金(NY210053 NY210069 NY210073)资助项目
关键词 立体匹配 DAISY描述符 Epanechnikov权重核 双边滤波 视差外插 stereo matching DAISY descriptor Epanechnikov weight kernel bilateral filtering disparity extrapolation
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