本文以 R& D文献研究为基础 ,综述了美国产业 R& D在世纪之交的前后各 1 0年里的发展与变化 ,主要内容涉及美国 R& D的价值与理论、投入与效绩、R& D系统本身的运作与评价 ,从而展示出美国产业 R& D以当前为时间坐标点上下2 0年的历史、现状与趋势。
The U.S. industrial R&D has been developing rapidly since the late 1980s, and it bears a good prospect in the first decade of the coming new century. This article, on the basis of R&D documents study,presents a review of the U.S. industrial R&D in the last ten years and looks forward to its future development in another ten years, with the present as a coordinate origin of time. If deals mainly with the R&D values and conceptions the R&D performance and the R&D systems and operations, all in the United States.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics