It is urgently needed to identify lower boundary of a burning coal seam and water yield property nearby in a Tianshan coal exploration area, Xinjiang. Based on comprehensive analyses of geological data and physical property parameters, then geophysical prospecting methods mainly magnetic method and TEM were used. The magnetic prospecting grid is designed as 20mx80m, and prospecting lines in the west have been lengthened in later stage. According to prospecting area measured magnetic anomaly distribution map, magnetic anomaly distribution map after low-pass filtering, continuation upward 30m magnetic anomaly distribution map and vertical second-order derivative magnetic anomaly distribution map delineated burning areas are mainly distributed in the north part of the prospecting area. Designed TEM prospecting grid 40mx80m, based on floor water yield anomaly distribution maps of L1, L5 and LIO coal seams have interpreted better water yield areas of L1 and L5 floors are mainly concentrated in north part, highly in accordance with burning area bounds; while water yield property of L10 floor is very uneven, only near coal seam outcropped north area because of impact from sandstone fissures, taking in from precipitation and formed scattering sandstone fissure better water yield areas. The interpreted results after coalmine side verification are considered basically reliable.
Coal Geology of China
magnetic method
coal seam burning area
magnetic anomaly
water yield property