
变革型领导对员工绩效和满意度的影响:心理资本的中介作用及程序公平的调节作用 被引量:123

The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Follower Performance and Satisfaction:The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital and the Moderating Role of Procedural Justice
摘要 通过对国内一家企业共785位员工及其直接主管的问卷调查,考察了下属心理资本在变革型领导与下属工作绩效及满意度之间关系的中介作用以及程序公平对该关系的调节作用。研究结果显示:1)下属的心理资本与其工作绩效和满意度正向相关;2)下属的心理资本部分中介了变革型领导对下属工作绩效及满意度的正向关系;3)下属的程序公平调节了变革型领导对下属心理资本的影响。具体而言,下属的程序公平感越高,变革型领导与下属心理资本的正向关系越强,反之越弱;4)进一步地,程序公平调节了下属心理资本对变革型领导-工作绩效和满意度的中介作用,即:程序公平感越高,变革型领导通过心理资本对下属的工作绩效和满意度所产生的作用就越强,反之越弱。最后讨论了该研究的理论意义和应用价值。 This study examines the mediating effect of psychological capital (PsyCap) and the moderating effect of procedural justice on the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' job performance and satisfaction. PsyCap refers to an individual's positive psychological capacities consisting of elements of hope, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy. We argue that transformational leadership shapes followers' PsyCap, which in turn, contributes to their job performance and satisfaction. Transformational leadership is able to influence followers' PsyCap in that each of its components (i.e., charisma or idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration) is able to foster followers' state of hope, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy. To further explicate the mediating effect of PsyCap, our second objective is to examine the moderating role of procedural justice. Drawing upon the relational model of authority, we hypothesize that procedural justice moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and PsyCap, and consequently the indirect relationship between transformational leadership and followers' job performance and satisfaction. Specifically, the relationship between transformational leadership and PsyCap is stronger when procedural justice is high rather than low. Data were collected from a logistic company in China. A total of 801 frontline employees and theirimmediate supervisors participated in the survey. Our sample consisted of 785 employees and 49 supervisors. Among the supervisors, males covered 69.2%, with an average age of 39.0 and organizational tenure of 17 years. Among the employees, males covered 71.3%, with an average age of 35.6 and organizational tenure of 7 years. We used regression analysis and bootstrap methods to test our hypotheses. The mediating test shows that followers' PsyCap acted as a mediator between transformational leadership and followers' job performance and satisfaction. In addition, hierarchical regression analysis shows that the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' PsyCap became stronger as followers' procedural justice growing from low to high. Furthermore, conditional indirect effect test shows that the mediating effect of followers' PsyCap on the transformational leadership -performance and satisfaction linkage was significant only among followers who perceived high levels of procedural justice. All hypotheses were supported. Our findings contribute to the literature in several ways. First, this research offers a new approach to the influence of transformational leadership by examining followers' positive psychological states. This finding also enriches the literature on PsyCap. Second, our results concerning the moderating effect of procedural justice on the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' PsyCap (and job performance and satisfaction) contribute to the integration of justice research and leadership theory. To sum up, this study deepens our understanding of transformational leadership by examining the mediating effect of PsyCap and moderating effect of procedural justice in one theoretical framework.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1217-1230,共14页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重点课题资助(71032001)
关键词 变革型领导 心理资本 程序公平 绩效 被调节的中介效应 transformational leadership psychological capital procedural justice performance moderatedmediation
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