

On Lu Xun's Translation Theory in a Perspective of Multiple Dimentions
摘要 鲁迅的一生,为我国的翻译理论建设作出了卓越贡献,他所阐发的译学见解,深刻独到,自成体系,是我们译学思想宝库中的瑰宝。但是我们对鲁迅翻译理论的研究,大多局限于他所作的十三篇谈翻译的专论,而忽视了鲁迅丰富的译文序跋。本文结合鲁迅丰富的翻译专论和译文序跋,深入挖掘其中蕴涵着的丰富的理论资源,认为鲁迅的探索广泛涉及翻译的功用、标准、方法以及翻译接受等领域的多元性阐发,虑远思精,鞭辟入里,启人疑窦。事实上,当我们将这些专论和译文序跋中的观点和思想结合起来加以研究时,可以更加完整地把握鲁迅科学而多元化的翻译思想体系,因为这些专论是鲁迅较为系统而深刻阐述自己翻译思想的著述的一部分,而译文序跋是鲁迅在非论战状态下写就的文字,既是冷静的纯学术思考,同时又是紧贴于翻译实践的理性升华,所以将二者结合起来,可以使我们更接近鲁迅更为真实的翻译观,同时也是我们今天研究鲁迅翻译思想的一条重要途径。 Lu Xun has made outstanding contributions to our translation theories with his propounding, original and systematic views which are still the gem in our treasure-house of translation theories. But our studies on Lu Xun' s translations theories are mostly limited in his 13 theses specially written for translation studies while his prefaces and postscripts to translation are neglected; hence this paper aims to probe Lu Xun' s translation theories by combining his theses with his prefaces and postscripts. In this study, the paper holds that Lu Xun' s translation theories have widely covered translation functions, criteria, methods and reception in a pluralistic concept of translation which are penetrating and enlightening. In fact, when we study Lu Xun' s translation theories in this way, we can have a more a integrative view of Lu Xun' s scientific, pluralistic and systematic translation theories for his theses are part of his integrative thoughts while his prefaces and postscripts written in non-debating are purely academic and sober ponderings and rational distillation related close to translation practice. This paper also shows that we can have a truer outlook of Lu Xun' s theory by a combine study of his translation theses with prefaces and postscripts which is also an important way to study Lu Xun' s translation theory nowadays.
作者 赵秀明
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2012年第6期23-28,共6页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
关键词 鲁迅翻译思想 鲁迅翻译专论 鲁迅译文序跋 鲁迅翻译思想多元化 Lu Xun' s translation theory translation theses prefaces and postscripts pluralism of translation theories
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