
研究型大学中本科教学与科学研究间关系失衡的迷局 被引量:52

The Unbalanced Relationship between Undergraduate Teaching and Research in Research Universities
摘要 调查表明,中美高校特别是研究型大学中教师的研究精力投入所占比重越来越大,甚至远远超过了本科教学。这种教师研究与教学存在明显失衡的现象,反映了高等教育系统及其组织内部存在的一种"学术棘轮"效应,它是政府的质量控制和资源配置体制、高校学术评价与晋升制度、学术共同体内部学术认可机制等多种因素共同作用的结果。缓解"学术棘轮"效应的现实路径,不能仅仅在声言上强化教师教学的伦理责任和使命感,而是需要正视它存在的客观性和必然性,并针对不同主体的需要建立起一个切实有效的利益均衡机制。 According to some surveys, in Chinese and American higher education institu- tions, especially those research universities, faculty are spending increasingly more efforts on research, much greater than that on undergraduate teaching. This phenomenon reflects the "academic ratchet" existing both in higher education system and within institutions. It is the combined result of several factors, such as government's quality control and resources allo-cation patterns, universities' academic evaluation and promotion policies, as well as the aca-demic recognition mechanism within the academic community. Therefore, a realistic ap-proach to relieving the "academic ratchet" can not be limited to faculty being called upon to shoulder their ethical responsibility. Rather, it should be regarded as a reasonable and inevi- table fact in the current situation, and thereby, in view of various needs, a feasible and effec-tive interest-balanced mechanism is necessary to be established.
作者 阎光才
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期38-45,共8页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(09JZD0036-1) 上海市哲学社会科学规划教科重点课题(A0908) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0201)
关键词 本科教学 科学研究 学术棘轮 undergraduate teaching research academic ratchet
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