

Growing Paths of Innovation Cluster and Its Cultivation Strategy
摘要 在大量实践案例的基础上,揭示了创新集群的内涵与外延,归纳出三种创新集群,即科研院所引导型、传统产业集群竞争升级型以及政府政策推动型,并分析了三种创新集群的形成基础、初始动力以及演化路径。然后以襄阳地区为例,结合襄阳地区现有产业基础和存在问题,提出培育创新集群的策略:(1)完善现有产业集群结构,包括完善本地产业链,培育龙头企业;完善支撑网络,加强创新服务平台的建设;积极拓展创新来源,发展外部的网络;(2)鼓励创新与创业,培育集群创新的文化。 Based on a large number of practical cases, the paper reveals the meaning of innovation cluster, and induces three kinds of innovation clusters: ones guided by research institutions; ones upgraded based on tradi- tional ones; ones propelled by government policies. Then it takes Xianyang region as an example to bring forth the nurturing strategies. First, to improve the structure of existing industrial clusters, including perfecting the lo- cal industry chain and breeding bibcock enterprises, perfecting supporting network and strengthening innovation service platform, actively expanding the external source of innovation. Second, to encourage innovation and en- trepreneurship, cultivating culture of innovation lusters.
作者 程红莉
出处 《襄樊学院学报》 2012年第7期59-64,共6页 Journal of Xiangfan University
基金 襄樊学院2010年人文社科青年项目(2010YB005)
关键词 创新集群 成长路径 襄阳 培育策略 Innovation cluster Growing paths Xiangyang Nurturing strategies
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