
新生代农民工的心理契约问题研究 被引量:1

Research on New Generation of Migrant Workers' Psychological Contract
摘要 基于文献分析和对江西省130名新生代农民工的调查,运用SPSS15.0统计分析工具分析他们的心理契约,发现新生代农民工心理契约与上一代农民工相比的特殊之处,并进一步分析产生的原因以及提出解决的对策。 Based on the review of past research and survey of the 130 new-generation of migrant workers in Jiangxi Province, this paper studies these workers' psychological contract with SPSS15.0 statistical analysis tools. It reveals some special features compared with the previous generation of migrant workers, and further analyses the causes and puts forward the countermeasures.
作者 敖萱 刘永根
出处 《科技广场》 2012年第6期186-191,共6页 Science Mosaic
关键词 新生代农民工 心理契约 对策 New Generation of Migrant Workers Psychological Contract Counter Plan
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