
失业者工作意愿影响因素分析 被引量:2

Factors Influencing Intention to Work among the Unemployed
摘要 失业者的工作意愿描述了失业者打算再就业的愿望。在综述国外对失业者相关研究的基础上,提出失业者工作意愿的影响因素体系,并通过对北京36个社区再就业者失业期间情况的回顾性研究,使该体系得到初步验证。定性访谈资料描述了失业者的工作意愿及其影响因素,发现失业者的工作意愿由正、负两个方向的工作意愿组成,它们最终合力形成工作意愿。影响正向工作意愿的因素包括财务因素、个体特征因素、工作价值和规范因素以及社会生活因素。影响负向工作意愿的因素包括个人资本因素、健康因素、家庭因素以及劳动力市场因素。根据这些发现和结论,发展出关于失业者工作意愿的影响因素模型,并进一步提出相应的理论、政策和实践意义。 Intention to work depicts the intention of the unemployed to be reemployed. Factors influencing intention to work among the unemployed are hypothesized according to the literature and are analyzed using data from a sample of 36 reemployed employees in Beijing. With the retrospective, qualitative data, their intention to work is described and factors influencing the intention are identified. The results indicates that intention to work has both positive and negative dimensions. Financial factor, individual characteristics, work value and norms, and social factor influence the positive dimension, while human capital, health, family, and labor market factors influence the negative dimension. Theoretical and policy implications of the results are discussed.
作者 吴蕾
出处 《人口研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期84-93,共10页 Population Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"生命历程视角下的失业者就业观点和就业障碍研究"(项目批准号:12YJC840045)的资助
关键词 失业者 工作意愿 影响因素 Unemployed Persons, Intention to Work, Influencing Factors
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