
二语习得中个体差异研究的宏观描述及其新进展 被引量:6

Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition:General Account and Future Directions
摘要 个体差异在二语习得研究中发挥重要的作用,并已成为该领域研究框架中的三大内容之一,但是由于研究的传统、实际的考量以及学习者主体研究的复杂性,目前的学习者个体差异研究仍落后于学习者的普遍性研究。为深入地了解个体差异研究的重要性、认识该领域研究的发展现状,本文梳理了学习者个体差异的主要内容,分析了个体差异在二语习得模式中的重要作用,归纳了相关最新研究成果。此外,文章还讨论了该课题研究中存在的主要问题及应对的策略,并在此基础上指出,个体差异研究应放入到包含有环境因素、与语言因素在内的动态系统中,研究它们之间的互动效应及其在时间上的发展轨迹。 Individual differences(IDs) play a key role in second language acquisition(SLA) and have become one of the tripartite core areas in SLA research.Due to research traditions,practical considerations,and the complexity of research on agents,the study in this area is however,far behind the one on universals of language acquisition.Aiming to deepen the understanding of the importance of IDs research,and elevate it to a new stage,the article has summarized the main classifications of ID factors,and analyzed the role of IDs in some influential SLA models;moreover,the latest research findings in this area are presented,and the research problems together with their solving strategies are discussed.On the basis of the review,it is argued that the study of IDs should be placed into a dynamic system incorporating linguistic factors and environmental factors to find out the interplay among them and their development trajectory in the time course.
作者 戴运财
机构地区 浙江农林大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2012年第9期41-46,78,共6页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
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