从定量化的角度综合评价地区经济发展水平 .提出了反映地区经济发展规模及发展速度等 1 1项指标 ;使用 SPSS统计软件对国内 3 0个省、市、自治区的 1 1项指标进行主成份分析 .按累计贡献率≥ 85%提取了 5个主成份 ,以主成份的贡献率为权数求加权均值得到综合得分值 .据此值大小 ,将我国 3 0个省、市、自治区排序并分为 3大类 ,其经济发展水平总体上呈现东高西低的地域分布格局 .
The comprehensive evaluation on the regional economic development is taken from the angle of quantivative analysis are put forward.With the SPSS statistical software and by the analysis on main components,the 11 indexes for our provinces,cities and autonomous regions are also analyzed .Five main components are determined according to the pronciple of accumulative contribution rate of main components,which is superior and equal to 85%.The comprehensive score is obtained by using the contribution rate as the weigh number to get the average value of added weighted number.In accordance with this score,our 30 provinces,cities and autonomous regions can be placed in sequence and separated in three patterns,and the level of deconomic development is generally like this:the undeveloped west,the developed east.
Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities