中古之世 ,世家大族在政治、经济和文化诸领域往往具有决定性的意义和影响。就江东地区的情况而言 ,儒学世族的形成和发展经历了一个漫长的历史过程 ,而且其社会地位也是随着江东地域社会形势的变化而变动不居的。汉魏六朝时期江东儒学大族形成、发展有其一定的历史轨迹。江东土著大族初始于秦汉之际 ,在西汉时期出现了个别文士代表 ,但儒家化程度不高 ;两汉时期 ,部分中土人士或宗族陆续南迁江东 ,如陆氏、张氏、虞氏、贺氏等皆如此。在宗族繁衍过程中 ,其儒家化进程加快 ,比之汉魏以降南徙之北方大族 ,这些早先南徙者已成为江东土著 ,他们在东吴之世充当割据政权的支柱 ,势力急剧膨胀。西晋混一南北 ,江东大族势力遭受压制 ,沦为“亡国之余” ;东晋立国江东 ,起初借重江东土著 ,但从根本上说 ,整个东晋南朝时期 ,与侨姓士族相比 ,江东土著大族在政治上始终处于从属地位。不过 ,从民族文化的延续与江南地域社会的发展而言 ,江东大族的历史功绩是不可漠视的。
During the middle ancient times, the aristocratic clans usually pla yed a decisive role in the political, economical and cultural field. For these aristocratic clans who inhabited in the East Area of Yangtse River (EAYR), th eir formation and development endured a long historical process, and the variat ion of their social status was connected with the variation of the geographical and social environment in the EAYR. The formation and development of the aristocrati c clans in the EAYR during the Han,the Wei and Six Dy nasties had their historical locus.It was during the interim between the Qin and the Han Dynas ties that the aristocratic family emerged. Several intellectual representatives appear during the West Han Dynasty, but the confucianization of them was only on its initial stage. During the West and East Dynasties, many northerners migrated to the South gradually. The Family of Zhang, Lu Yu and He, for example, slowly migr ated to the South and became the representatives of Confucianized aristocratic c lans in the EAYR. When Tong Wu regime came into power, they serve d as the st rong upholder and their power also enlarged rapidly. When the West Jin Dynasty c onsolidated the north and south, the local aristocratic clans in the EAYR wer e repressed and were called remnants of the overthrown power. When the East J in Dynasty established their sovereignty in the EAYR, the local aristocrat ic clans were given some power, but with those immigrated aristocratic clans, they were on the subordinated political status on the whole.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
the Han,the Wei and the Six D ynasties
East Area of Yangtse River (EAYR)
aristocratic clan