海表温度长期变化在一定程度上反映了海域的气候变化信号,卫星遥感资料是获取高时空分辨率水温长期变化的有效手段。基于国家海洋局1982—1999年黄海断面监测器测数据的2 954组水温数据对时空匹配的卫星(NOAA/AVHRR)反演海表温度(SST)进行校验,计算得到卫星反演SST系统偏差为(0.18±1.00)℃。卫星反演的水温空间分布以及长期变化趋势与器测趋势较为一致,可以用来研究海域SST长期变化规律。利用校验后1982-01~2011-08NOAA/AVHRR的SST数据,分析了该时段黄海冬夏季代表月2、8月海表水温的变化规律。结果显示:(1)近30a,黄海冬季水温有2次跃迁:1989—1990年由冷至暖的状态跃迁,2000-2001年出现由暖至冷的状态转变;1990年代冬季水温达最高,相比1880年代,水温升高1.07℃,新世纪水温稍有降低,水温较1990年代下降了0.53℃,温度变化较大区域位于北黄海、山东半岛沿岸,苏北浅滩毗邻海区,该区SST与局地经向风场存在显著正相关,且北极涛动通过影响冬季风间接影响黄海水温变化;(2)夏季海表水温在1994—1995年呈现由冷至暖的状态跃迁,冷、暖期水温相差0.57℃,水温变化较显著的区域为黄东海分界处,其具体变化机制需深入研究。
Climate change signals of the sea can be reflected by long-term sea surface temperature(SST) variations. The satellite remote sensing data can be used to obtain high temporal and spatial resolution water temperature data effectively. NOAA/AVHRR satellite data are validated by the in-situ section mo-nitoring data(1982-1999) of the Yellow Sea(YS). 2954 groups temporal and spatial matchup data are at-tained. The satellite data bias from in-situ observations is (0. 18±1.00) ℃. Two data sets have a similar long-term variations trend as a whole, and the satellite data can be used to study the long-term variation of the YS SST. Based on the validate monthly mean NOAA/AVHRR SST in the period 1982-01~2011-08, annual and decadal variations in winter and summer of the YS are analyzed respectively. The results show that there are two shifts in the recent 30 years which is from cold to warm phase with 1. 07 ℃ rising in 1989~1990 and from warmest to warmer with 0. 53 ℃ dropping in 2000~2001. SST in 1980s is the low-est and the highest in 1990 s. The larger anomaly takes place in the Northern, coast of Shandong Peninsu-la and nearshore Subei Bank which was highly related to local meridional wind field. AO affects SST of the YS through winter monsoon indirectly. In summer, a weak regime shift occurrs in 1994~1995 and the SST shift is from cold to warm phase with 0. 57 ℃ rising. The mechanism of this shift would be further discussed.
Periodical of Ocean University of China