虚拟物理实验软件从单机或局域网的运行模式扩展到Internet网运行模式是一项有意义的课题 .我们构造了新的远程教学交互模式 ,使现存的CAI软件稍加修改即能在当前Internet网运行 .同时 ,它还解决了如何在有限的网速下实现多用户参与的远程网络教学 。
It is an interesting topic to extend softwares for virtual physics experiments from the narrow scope of a single machine or local area network to the Internet. A compact and feasible model is established for remote instruction which makes it possible for available CAI softwares to be run on the Internet with just a little modification. At the same time an approach is proposed to solving such problems as how to enable multiple users to participate in remote instruction on a network of limited transmission capacity and how to protect the intellectural property right of various instruction softwares and resources.