目的探讨18-三体综合征胎儿的声像特征及产前超声诊断的临床意义。方法回顾分析经羊水穿刺或脐血穿刺胎儿染色体检查确诊为18-三体综合征的胎儿声像特征。结果 19例18-三体综合征16例有两个及以上异常声像表现。最常见异常为心脏畸形(9例),其次为手畸形(5例),再其次为脉络丛囊肿,脐膨出,Dandy-Walker综合征,唇裂,食道闭锁,小颌畸形,足内翻,膈疝,单脐动脉等。结论中、晚孕期超声筛查是提高产前检出18-三体综合征的有效措施。
Objective To assess the sonographic appearances of trisomy 18 and the clinical significance of prenatal ultra sonic dignosis of trisomy 18. Methods The ultrasound findings as trisomy 18 by karyotyping were evaluated. Results Sixteen of 19 fetuses had at least two deteceted abnormalities. Fetal cardiac anomalies were the most common findings followed by abnormal hand posturing. Other common sonographic findings included choroid plexus cysts, omphaloceie, Dan dy-Walker syndrome, cleft lip, esophageal atresia, micrognathia, club foot, diaphragmatic hernia, and single umbilical ar tery. Conclusion The evaluation of ultrasound findings is effective for prenatal screening in the fetus with trisomy 18 dur ing the second and third trimester.
Journal of Medical Imaging