The debris flows disasters along Chengdu-Kunming Railway in Sichuan Province are frequent and serious. From July of 1970 to the end of 1988, about 370 people died from debris flows; 15 stations suffered from them,among them, 2 stations were destroyed and had rebuilt; 3 trams got deraiied;the tunnels were silted up for six times;2 railway bridges were destroyed,and trains broke off about 60 times and more than 1 ,200 hours.This railway is the main line where debris flow disasters are most serious. The main damages caused by debris flows are as follows:destroy bridges,turn over the trains,block up culverts, silt up stations, railway, tunnels, destroy raod-bed and facilities etc.The disaster causes for debris flows are; 1. Natural conditions are adverse,debris flows develop strongly. 2. The understanding to debris flow is not enough,thus missing or mistaking in discrimination of debris flow. 3. Owing to wrong choice of bridge structure, the bridge piers are endamaged. 4. The bores of bridges and culverts are too small so that drainage is difficult. 5. The drainage works are not proper. 6. The secondary disasters of debris flow would not be paid an attention. 7. The human unreasonable economic activities aggravated the disasters.
debris flow, disaster, railway