航行通告是以电信方式发布,有关任何航空设施、状况或变化的情报通告,及时了解此类通告对与飞行活动有关的航务人员是至关重要的。数据分发服务(Data Distribution Service,DDS)是对象管理组织(Object Management Group,OMG)颁布数据发布服务规范,它定义了以数据为中心的发布/订阅(Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe,DCPS)服务。为提高情报交换的效率,确保飞行的正常、安全与效益,文中将DDS规范运用到航行通告数据交换中,对航行通告分发服务的主题结构进行设计,并利用DDS丰富的QoS策略,控制航行通告数据的质量,基于DDS规范的航行通告分发服务可有效地避免单点失败,提高系统可靠性。
NOTAM (Notice to Airman) is a notice distributed by means of which concerns with the establishment condition or change in aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard. The timely knowledge of NOTAM is essential to persons con cerned with flight operations. The OMG Data-Distribution Service (DDS) is an specification for publish-subscribe data distribution sys tems. In order to improve the efficiency of information exchange and ensure flight safety and normal,data-centric NOTAM publish/sub scribe service was built based on OMG DDS specification with sufficient QoS policies, the structure of the topic was designed in detail. NOTAM distribution service based on DDS can avoid single point of failure effectively and improve system reliability.
Computer Technology and Development