随着网络技术的飞速发展以及信息化教学手段的需要,越来越多的高校教师需要通过网络来与学生进行交流互动,其中对于电子作业的提交及管理越来越显示出它的重要性。为此,本文设计并提出了基于B/S结构,在.NET平台上使用C#和Microsoft SQL 2005开发的作业管理系统的实现方案,主要目的是解决学生提交作业和教师批改作业用单一的上传、拷贝等方法的交流不方便的问题,充分利用现有的网络资源,实现作业提交方式的网络化管理。
With the development of network technology, and with the need of information's teaching's methods, more and more teachers in Universities need network to communicate with students. So, electronic homework management system was proposed. The system is based on the B/S structure, using C# and Microsoft SQL 2005 as the .NET platform. In order to resolve the inconvenient problems of the students handing in the homework and the teacher correcting students' papers. It will Make full use of the existing network source and realize the ways of handing in homework's network management.