

A Review of Stadies on Interlanguage Pragmatics
摘要 20世纪80年代开始,第二语言习得纳入语用学视角,语际语语用学由此产生。经过三十余年的发展,语际语语用学的理论框架已基本建构起来,并且在静态研究和动态研究方面都取得了一定的成就,但仍存在研究成果零散、缺乏普遍性等诸多不足。语际语语用学源于欧美,其研究对象也仅集中于以英语为主的西方语言的语用习得,汉语作为第二语言的语用研究目前还比较落后,需要进一步加强。 Interlanguage Pragmatics was founded in the 1'980's, when the Second Language Acqui- sition was included into Pragmatics. The frame of reference of Interlanguage Pragmatics was set up essentially through the development of over thirty years, and many static and dynamic studies have been carried out. However, there are some insufficienies in the studies, and there are some areas to he further exploree in the future. Interlanguage Pragmatics drives from the Westen Countries, therefore, the study only focused on the acquisition of language of West languages in English domain. The study of Chinese as second language pragmatic acquisition is backword relatively, and should be reinforced further.
作者 董于雯
机构地区 集美大学文学院
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期50-56,共7页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition
基金 福建省教育厅A类社会科学研究项目"汉语国际教育中语用教学的实证研究"(JA11173S) 集美大学社会科学预研基金项目"对外汉语语用教学研究--以初级口语为例"的阶段性成果
关键词 语际语语用学 语言习得 述评 interlanguage pragmatics language acquisition review
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