
中国城乡多维贫困的测度及比较 被引量:109

The Multidimensional Poverty in Urban and Rural China: Measurement and Comparison
摘要 传统的仅用收入或消费来衡量贫困的方法只能提供单一的信息,从多维角度则能够较全面地认识贫困。本文利用CHNS数据库中2000年和2009年数据,借鉴了多维贫困指数的构造及分解方法,对近十年来中国城乡多维贫困进行了测度、分解及分析,认为总体上城乡贫困程度均有所减轻,农村贫困严重于城市,应重视医疗健康保险、卫生设施、城市住房、做饭燃料等维度上的贫困,同时降低中西部省份的贫困。 The traditional income or consumption poverty measures provide the simple information,but multidimensional poverty measure could provide rich information.The paper measures the MPI for Chinese urban and rural area based on 2000 and 2009 CHNS dataset.The main conclusions are that the multidimensional poverty are more serious in rural than in urban,health insurance,sanitation,cooking fuel and house are important dimensions for poverty reduction.The government should pay more attention for the middle and west provinces.
作者 高艳云
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期61-66,共6页 Statistical Research
关键词 多维贫困 MPI 多维贫困分解 维度贡献 省份贡献 Multidimensional poverty MPI the decomposition Dimensional contribution Provincial contribution
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