
国际旅游节事中家庭游客的服务感知及行为态度研究 被引量:8

Study on Family Tourists'Perception and Behavior Attitude in the International Tourism Festival
摘要 依托问卷调查数据,以西安世园会国内旅游者为例,借助单因素评价法及方差分析、方差齐性检验以及相似矩阵等方法,分析了家庭旅游者群体与朋友间旅游、同事间旅游以及个人旅游的心理、行为及态度的差异,并对不同年龄段家庭游客的旅游感知、内部行为及旅游态度进行了分析。结果表明:①相对其他群体游客来说,家庭游客旅游服务感知总体最高,属于显性旅游行为群体;②家庭游客的负面口碑效应强于正面口碑效应,而重游意愿和投诉意愿也相对较弱;③在旅游服务要素感知中,家庭游客对世园会园区的卫生、讲解以及厕所的评价相对最高,而园区内的购物和餐饮评价相对最低;④从不同阶段家庭游客感知及态度对比来看,90后家庭游客对西安世园会的总体满意度相对最高,而80后总体感知相对最低。 This paper analyzes the differences in psychological, behavior and attitudesamong family tourists group, friends tourists group, colleague tourists group andindividual traveler based on the analysis of the related researches about thefamily tourists' Perception and attitudes, taking xi ~m international horticultural expo domestic tourists for example. It also analyzes the similaritiesanddifferences in satisfaction perception about International tourism festivals, views about word-of-mouth effect and wiliness to travel again between family tourists and other tourists groups. Tourism perception, internal behavior and attitudes are also discussed in it. it methodology adopted in this study involved questionnaire survey, Single factor eval- uation, homogeneity test of variances and similar matrix, etc. Result shows that compare to other tourist groups, family tour- ist groups belong to the dominant tourism action group with the top service aware. From the perspective of traveler' s percep- tion and attitudes, the study shows that families of the 90' s have a higher general satisfaction while families have a lower general perception. Among the total touriam services elements in International horticultural expo park, family tourist groups give a relatively high evaluation on hygiene, presentation about Scenic and toilets, while shopping and catering win a lower evaluation. Family tourist groups are more powerful in negative word-of-mouth effect than positive effect. They lack the wiliness to travel again and complaint to relevant authority.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期135-140,共6页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41001077 40771058) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(10zd&051)
关键词 国际旅游节事 家庭游客 感知 态度 西安世园会 international tourism festivals family tourist perception attitude Xi ' an World Horticultural Expo
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