
海外华侨华人参与:当代中国侨务公共外交路径研究 被引量:9

摘要 侨务公共外交,是当代中国总体外交的重要组成部分。中国侨务公共外交的核心问题,是海外华侨华人对公共外交事业的具体参与和实践。本文将对当前海外华侨华人参与中国侨务公共外交的态度、方式与特点进行梳理,并探讨其参与当前中国侨务公共外交的具体路径和实践效果,同时展望海外华侨华人参与中国侨务公共外交实践的未来趋势与基本走向。
出处 《社科纵横》 2012年第11期36-39,共4页 Social Sciences Review
基金 国务院侨务办公室课题研究资助项目(GQBZ2011005)
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  • 3王望波,庄国土编著.2009年海外华侨华人概述[M].世界知识出版社,2010:199.
  • 4陈永栽.情系华文教育[N].人民日报(海外版),2009(3).
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  • 6刘北宪.国际华语体系下的世界华文媒体[EB]2012-2-9.网址:http://www.jsqw.com/html/dv_453177048.aspx.
  • 7转引自国务院侨办网站新闻.http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2009-03/29/content_1271653.htm.[EB].
  • 8杨震.海外华人参政小史[EB].网址:http://www.douban.corn/note/91454560/.
  • 9以上资料来自"第六届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会"大会发言交流情况,详见大会专题报道:http://www.chinanews.com/zgqj/z/2012sjhqhrstlydh/index.shtml.[EB].
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  • 2陶红.老挝的华文教育[J].东南亚纵横,2004(9):28-30. 被引量:1
  • 3For the detailed result see the survey "A Person like Me" is the most credible voice for an audience conducted in 2006 by Edelman, a large independent public relations firm based in the USA, http://www.edelman.com/news/ShowOne.asp?ID= 102.
  • 4For detailed study Mayne, R., In Victory, Magnanimity, In Peace, Goodwill: A History of Wilton Park, London, Frank Cass, 2003.
  • 5Lord Carter of Coles was asked by the Foreign Secretary and Chief Secretary to the Treasury to conduct 'an independent review of public diplomacy' and examine the effectiveness of current public diplomacy activities. His Public diplomacy review was completed in December 2005.
  • 6Krotz, U., The Ties that Rind: The Parapublic Underpinnings of Franco-German Relations as Construction of International Value, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard, October 2002 online at http:// www.ces. fas.harvard.edu/publieations/docs/pdfs/Krotz4.pdf also Vion, A., "Europe from the bottom up: town twinning in France during the Cold War", Contemporary European History, II, 4, 2002, pp.623-640.
  • 7For an account of Gullion and the origins of the term see Cull, N.J., "Public Diplomacy: the evolution of a phrase", in Snow, N. & Taylor, P. M. (eds.), The Handbook of Public Diplomacy, London, Routledge, 2008, pp.19-24.
  • 8This taxonomy is explored in Cull, N. J., "Public Diplomacy: Taxonomies and Histories", in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, March 2008, Vol.616, pp. 31-54, in a special issue: Public Diplomacy in a Changing World, co-edited with Geoffrey Cowan.
  • 9The conclusion to Cull, N. J., The Cold War and the United States Inforraation Agency: American Propaganda and Public Diplomacy, 1945-1989, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2008 also identifies seven lessons from the history of U.S. public diplomacy many of which are U.S. specific. The international scope this publication has enabled more general observations and a wider set of lessons.
  • 10The key exploration of this idea is Melissen, J. (ed.), The New Public Diplomacy, London, Palgrave, 2005.











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