用小波变换时频分析的方法对老年人的第三第四心音进行了分析研究, 在心前区采集心音数据, 为对心音定位, 同步采集了一导心电信号。本研究对30例正常老年人(年龄在50~69岁) 和40例冠心病老年人(年龄在53~85岁) 的第三第四心音数据进行了统计分析, 发现正常老年人S3的频谱主峰频率与冠心病老年人S3的频谱主峰频率有明显的差异。由于S3和S4的幅度和频率都很低, 用听诊方法常被漏掉。
The wavelet transform time-frequency analysis method was used to detected the S3 and S4. The heart sounds data was sampled at the precardium, and Lead I of the ECG was recorded simultaneously to label the heart sounds. The sampling rate was 1000Hz. Statistics of the third and fourth heart sounds data of 30 normal old subjects (age from 50~69) and 40 old subjects with coronary heart diseases(age from 53~85) were analysed. Significantly difference was found between the main peak's frequencies of S3 of normal old subjects and those of old subjects with coronary heart diseases. Since amplitudes frequencies of S3 and S4 are quite low, so they are often missed when diagnosing. The results showed it is a new way to diagnose cardiovascular diseases.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
山东省科委基金!资助项目 (951156202)