
皇冠明珠条款——欧美实践与中国移植 被引量:4

Crown Jewel Provision-Practice of Europe and the United State and Chinese Transplantation
摘要 皇冠明珠条款激励合并方促成剥离的动机并修正初始剥离的不确定性,在美国和欧盟等反垄断发达国家是合并救济的一项重要制度。在初始剥离执行存在不确定性或合并方缺少激励、消极履行剥离义务或阻挠剥离执行时有必要适用皇冠明珠条款。需依照一定原则确定皇冠明珠资产包的合理范围,在皇冠明珠条款被触发后,在更短的皇冠明珠剥离期限内由剥离受托人执行皇冠明珠剥离、管理受托人和监督受托人对皇冠明珠资产包进行管理和监督。皇冠明珠条款在中国的适用存在可能性和必要性,建议中国移植皇冠明珠条款。 The crown jewel provision incentives the merging parties to complete the divestiture and correct the uncertainty of initial divestiture, which is one of the important systems of merger remedies in antitrust-developed countries, such as the United States and the European Union. It is necessary to apply the terms of the crown jewel provision when there is uncertainty of enforcing the initial divestiture, a lack of incentive to the merging parties or the merging parties fulfill the divestiture obligation negatively or try to stop the enforcement of divestiture. There is need to determine the reasonable range of the crown jewel package according to certain principles. Once the crown jewel provision is triggered, the selling trustee shall enforce the crown jewel divestiture, the managing trustee shall manage the crown jewel package and the monitoring trustee shall monitor that. There is possibility and necessity to apply the crown jewel provision in China, so it is recommended to transplant the crown jewel provision.
作者 陶琦
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《广西政法管理干部学院学报》 2012年第6期83-89,共7页 Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law
关键词 皇冠明珠条款 资产剥离 合并救济 the Crown Jewel Provision Divestiture Merger Remedy
  • 相关文献


  • 1Staff of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission, A Study of the Commission's Divestiture Process, 1999.
  • 2EC, Commission notice on remedies acceptable under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 and under Commission Regulation (EC) No 802/2004,2008.
  • 3U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies, October 2004.
  • 4Staff of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission, A Study of the Commission's Divestiture Process,1999.
  • 5William J. Baer, Reflection on 20 Years of Merger Enforcement Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, Washington D.C., October 29, 1996, http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/hearings/single_firm/bio,223051.htm,最后访问日期:2012年6月29日.
  • 6Carl Shapiro and Michael Sohn, Aticle and Feature: Merger Consent Decrees: "Crown Jewel" Provision in Merger Consent Decrees, 1997 American Bar Association Antitrust, 1997.
  • 7Ford Motor Co., 405 U.S. at 573; United States v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co,. 366 U.S. 316,326(1961).
  • 8Frequently Asked Questions about Merger Consent Order Provision, http://www.ftc.gov/bc/mergerfaq.shtm#CrownJewels,最后访问日期:2012年6月29日.
  • 9Competition Commission, Merger Remedies: Competition Commission Guidelines, November 2008.
  • 10Elai Katz and Lauren Perlgut, Appraising Crown Jewel Provisions in the United States, Canada, and Europe, the Threshold, Volume X, Number 1, Fall 2009.


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  • 2Staffofthe Bureau ofCompetition ofthe Federal Trade Commission."AStudyofthe Commission’’s Divestiture Process". www.ftc.gov/os/1999/08/divestiture.pdf . 1999
  • 3Federal Trade Commission’’s Bureau ofCompetition."Statement ofthe Federal Trade Commission’’s Bureau ofCompetition on Nego-tiating Merger Remedies". http://www.ftc.gov/bc/bestpractices/bestpractices030401.shtm . 2011
  • 4EU.Commission notice on remedies acceptable under Council Regulation(EC)No139/2004and under Commission Regulation(EC)No802/2004. .
  • 5EUjudgment ofthe CFI in Case T-87/05EDP vCommission. ECRII-3745 . 2005
  • 6DG COMP European Commission."Merger Remedies Study (Public Version)". www.enterprise-europe-network.sk/docs/KD7105376ENS_002.pdf . 2011
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  • 9EU.Commission notice on remedies acceptable under Council Regulation (EC)No139/2004and under Commission Regulation (EC)No802/2004. .
  • 10Case COMP/M.3136-GE/Agfa of5December2003. www.aztn.hr/pdf-novo/uredbe_vlade/no-tice_remedies_nova.pdf . 2011


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  • 2《试行规定》第7条.
  • 3商务部公告2009年第28号,http://ndj.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ztxx/200904/20090406198805.html,2015-07-07.
  • 4商务部反垄断局网站:http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article/b/c/201412/20141200835207.shtml.
  • 5商务部公告2010年第41号《关于实施经营者集中资产或业务剥离的暂行规定》,参见商务部反垄断局网站:http://fldj.mofcom.gov.cn/article/c/201007/201.0707012.00.shtml.
  • 6商务部反垄断局网站:http://fldj.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ztxx/2.0904/20090406198805.html.
  • 7商务部反垄断局官方网站:http://fldj.roofcorn.gov.cn/article/ztxx/201304/20130400091222.shtml.
  • 8《关于救济措施的通告(2001年)》.
  • 9European Commission, Merger Remedies Study (Public version), DG COMP, October 2005, p.52.
  • 10Merger Remedies: Competition Commission Guidelines, (2008), para. 3.13 and 3.14.









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