
旅游学的逻辑:在有关旅游学科问题的纷纭争论背后 被引量:26

The Logic Undergoing the Different Points of View Related to Tourism Discipline
摘要 由于旅游现象的复杂性,旅游研究为多学科介入提供了丰富的对象资源。也正因为如此,关于旅游研究是一门单一学科、多学科还是跨学科的问题,人们仍有大量的争论和误解。文章回顾了国内外对于旅游学科以及学科标准的争论,提出只有确立旅游学科中被纷纭争论所打乱或掩盖的内部逻辑以及逻辑起点,才能寻找到促使旅游研究进化到一门独立学科的途径。不管研究者们从何种学科角度对旅游进行研究,笔者都认为,多学科研究是旅游学这门新兴学科不可或缺、不能跨越的必经阶段,而跨学科则是之后整合学科的一个特殊发展阶段。文章重新审视了跨学科在旅游学科形成中的地位和作用,认为旅游学科建设将得益于这种问题导向的知识生产方式。同时研究认为,通过探寻类似于"旅游体验"这样的逻辑起点,旅游的跨学科融合以及随后的独立旅游学科的建立是有可能的。 Tourism is currently a complex, globalized phenomenon, though its status as an area of academic study field seems to be questionable. There has been significant discussions about whether studies of tourism should be disciplinary, muhidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary pursuits and how they should relate to the institutional landscape and practices of higher education. For some academics, these discourses are somewhat arid, but we contend that they are vital since they serve to set the epistemological framework and methodological innovation for tourism scholars, and they also play a significant role in prompting investigations into tourism. In this paper, we ask the following questions. What is the central focus of debate in the field of knowledge related tourism? Is there a logic behind constructing a unique discipline of tourism? In what ways does this logic constitute an important element in our understanding of this new discipline? How do the different aspects of tourism allow reconstruction of this field? This paper examines the divided debate relating to how tourism can be a discipline, and it identifies the related criteria. It notes that among some Western academics, there is often a kind of negative feeling around the issue as to whether or not tourism constitutes a discipline. Insights in this regard are drawn from two distinctive philosophers of scienee--P. Hirst and T. S. Kuhn. We propose that only by establishing the internal logic and setting the logical starting point covered in theabove-mentioned debate can effective alternative paths be identified that allow tourism studies to evolve into a distinct discipline. Owing to the fact that tourism has its own natural complexity, research into tourism is able to provide abundant objective resources for a muhidisciplinary approach. Irrespective of the disciplinary perspectives researchers tend to adopt in tourism studies, we believe that the multidisciplinary stage is indispensable for this emerging discipline. However, we also admit that because of the multidisciplinary approaches, researchers tend to undertake studies in tourism from within the specific boundaries of the main discipline in which they have been trained. As a consequence, existing theory in the field of tourism is fragmented and weak. Some scholars have determined that the interdisciplinary approach may be suitable for solving this problem, and we believe that there is a distinct development stage for knowledge integration in constructing the discipline of tourism. In contrast to mainstream practice, this paper seeks to explore the most basic factors in integrating the tourism discipline rather than developing more holistie theories than those that currently exist. The paper rethinks the current state and role of the interdisciplinary epistemology in the formation of the tourism discipline. It argues that the interdisciplinary epistemology in tourism studies is slightly different in the basic methodological form of concepts, which demand aproblem-oriented method and have been proposed by related academics. We also suggest that constructing such a discipline would benefit greatly from this problem domain, where there is the potential for an interdisciplinary approach. The authors hold the view that the interdisciplinary integration of tourism research following the establishment of the tourism discipline is possible by examining the starting point, such as the "tourism experience. "
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第1期21-29,共9页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目子课题(10ZD&051)资助~~
关键词 旅游 旅游学科 多学科 跨学科 tourism tourism discipline multidisciplinary interdisciplinary
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