中国近代经历过自由市场型和垄断型两种金融制度模式。二者的基本功能特征很不相同 ,表现在政府作用的大小、有无中央银行制度等多方面。自由市场型金融制度推进速度慢 ,而其市场定位精细 ,金融业的首创性强 ;垄断型金融制度的推进速度快、力度大 ,但其“变革”仅具形式意义。在自由市场制度下 ,金融与经济的关系是“平行”的 ;而在垄断制度下 ,经济仰赖金融 ,而金融则操诸政府之手 。
Modern China has had two financial models: a free market model and a monopoly model. The two models had quite different functions in terms of the role of the government and the central banking system. The propulsion of the free market type financial system was slow, but it had a refined market structure, and greater initiative was demonstrated by financial circles. The monopoly financial system had a rapid and forceful propulsion, but its “reform” was formalist. In the free market system finance and the economy have a “parallel” relationship; in the monopoly system the economy depended on finance, which in its turn was controlled by the government and the financial market lost its spontaneous initiative.
Social Sciences in China