
IMS放射性核素台站气溶胶滤材样品分样方法研究 被引量:3

Study on split method of aerosol sample from IMS radionuclide station
摘要 全面禁止核试验条约放射性核素监测台站监测到5级气溶胶样品时,样品须进行分样并发送到两个或两个以上的核素实验室进行详细分析,因此,研究大气气溶胶样品分样方法和分样样品均匀性等尤为重要。本文提出了滤材裁剪和样品压制进行气溶胶样品分样的方法,实验结果表明,研究建立的分样方法可行,分样样品中放射性核素7Be分布均匀,为核素台站和实验室进行气溶胶样品分样和测试奠定了技术基础。 Level 5 samples from radionuclide stations of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) should be split and sent to two or more independent laboratories for measurement and analysis. The study is focused on the sample splitting method and the uniformity testing of split samples. Two sample splitting methods, filter cutting and sample compressing split, are introduced in this article. Uncompressed and compressed filter samples are split by using two methods. Then the split samples are measured by HPGe y spectrometer. The results show that the split samples are homogeneous. This work establishes the split and test foundation of the radionuclide station and laboratory.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期26-30,共5页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 气溶胶样品 分样 7Be 均匀性 Aerosol sample, Splitting, 7Be, Uniformity
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