为对赤峰烟区植烟土壤实行养分管理,2008-2011年采集和测定了赤峰烟区6个种烟旗(县、区)有代表性的600个植烟土壤样品,并依据有机质含量以10~20 g/kg为宜,碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量分别以45~135,10~35,120~200 mg/kg为宜的标准进行评价。结果表明,植烟土壤有机质平均含量为(11.10±4.49)g/kg,土壤碱解氮平均含量为(50±22)mg/kg,土壤有效磷平均含量为(11.1±10.7)mg/kg,土壤速效钾平均含量为133±63 mg/kg,土壤养分含量水平中等偏下,需加强施肥管理。南部产烟区域植烟土壤主要养分含量高于北部。南、北部产烟区域土壤有机质含量差异不明显(P=0.667),土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。系统聚类分析结果表明,产烟县分为土壤养分适宜区(包括松山区、宁城县和喀喇沁旗)和土壤养分匮乏区(包括翁牛特旗和敖汉旗)两类。松山区和敖汉旗的土壤氮磷钾比例较为合理,产量较高,产值较好。相关分析和回归分析结果表明,土壤有效磷含量对产量影响较大,土壤有机质和有效磷含量对中上等烟比例影响较大。
To play the role of technological progress,the way of formula fertilization by soil testing in tobacco was being popularized in China.There were 14 000 ha areas of basic tobacco growing soil in Inner Mongolia,with the most in Chifeng City.In order to implement scientific nutrient management,600 representative tobacco growth soil samples in 6 counties of Chifeng city were collected and analyzed between 2008 and 2011,and then the nutrient contents statistics were evaluated by the standard of suitable nutrient contents with 10-20 g/kg organic matter,45-135 mg/kg available nitrogen,10-35 mg/kg available phosphorus and 120-200 mg/kg available potassium.The results indicated: Main nutrient contents of tobacco growth soil in Chifeng Ctiy were(11.10±4.49)g/kg organic matter,(50±22)mg/kg available nitrogen,(11.1±10.7)mg/kg available phosphorus and(133±63)mg/kg available potassium respectively.Main nutrient contents of tobacco growth soil in the south side of the city were higher than those of in the north side.Organic matter contents in the south side had no differences from those of the north(P=0.667),while available nitrogen contents,available phosphorus contents,and available potassium contents all varied significantly between the two places(P0.01).According to cluster analysis results,tobacco growth counties were divided into two groups:rich of nutrients group and shortage of nutrients group.The former included Songshan District,Ningchen County and Harqin Banner.The latter included Ongniyud Banner and Aohan Banner.The ratio of N ∶ P ∶ K was reasonable in Songshan District and Aohan Banner,where the tobacco yield and output were better.According to relationship and regression analysis results,soil available phosphorus contents were correlated closely to the tobacco yield,while soil organic matter contents and soil available phosphorus contents were correlated closely to the ratio of mid-high tobacco grade.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
Tobacco growth soil in Chifeng
Soil nutrient conditions