
人格权立法之历史评析 被引量:11

A Historical Study on the Legislation on Personality Rights in China
摘要 《大清民律草案》吸收先进法律文化,采纳权利能力和行为能力之法律人格学说,在总则编设人格权一节,并通过总则和债权相结合的方式确立了人格权权利体系,奠定了中国人格权立法之基本走向。《民国民律草案》确认了《大清民律草案》规定的各项人格权,但总则编不再设立人格权一节,设权性规范的重点转入债编。民国民法循着《民国民律草案》的思路,人格权立法重心在债编,并增加了健康权。1986年制定的民法通则形成了开放的人格权立法构架,设专节规定人身权,并通过判例、司法解释和附属性立法,形成了人格权立法与权利体系。历史地看,中国的人格权立法始终采取总则与债权相结合的方式,只是在设权性规范的立法重心上有所变化。民法通则人格权立法则实现了从民事主体与债之关系两者结合的二元结构向主体制度、权利制度和侵权责任制度三者结合的三元结构的转变。三元结构对应的是人格权规范的三个部分,即权利主体、权利内容和权利救济。从《大清民律草案》到民法通则,人格权立法在继受与传承中悄然变化,直至断裂;而在断裂中,生命体在社会中顽强地存在,并通过立法在理性与进步中实现自觉。而支撑这种自觉的,是人格尊严得到尊重的社会文化,并提供一条通过民事整合宪政的法治路径。 The Civil Code Draft of Qing Dynasty assimilated the essence of advanced foreign legal cul- ture and adopted the concept of legal personality capacity, which established the statutory framework of personality rights and laid the foundation of Chinese personality right legislations. The Civil Code Draft of the Republic of China followed the said code and recognized different types of personality rights, but made some minor of The Civil Code Draft of the changes. The Civil Code of the Republic of China, foUowing the pattern Republic of China, dealt with personality rights in the chapter of obliga- tions. In today's China's Mainland, the General Principles of Civil Law of 1989, together with judicial decisions, judicial interpretations and subordinate regulations, formulates the open structure for per- sonality rights with separate subchapter of rights to personality and identity, and hence founds the body of legislation on personality rights and its contents. Viewed in a historical way, legislation on personality rights in China has always been adopting the route of combining general principles and obligations, and only the orientation of definitions of personality rights has changed over time. However, the General Principles of Civil Law is deemed as a watershed, as the legislation on personality rights has been upgraded from a two-dimension structure only involving provisions on civil subjects and obligations to a three-dimension one where liability re- gime has begun to cover personality rights. This three-dimension structure also corresponds to the three elements of personality rights: subjects, definitions and remedies. From the Civil Code Draft of Qing Dynasty to the General Principles of Civil Law, legislation on personality rights has changed sub- tly while succeeding the previous legal documents and finally fractured from its antecedences. None- theless, its organism existed exuberantly in the society, and consciously developed itself in a rational and progressive way via legislations. The social culture of respecting personal dignity has supported this self-consciousness and will possibly provide us with a new path to rule of law via integrating con- stitutionalism into civil law provisions.
作者 易继明
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期123-140,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 人格权立法 二元结构 三元结构 法的继受与传承 legislation on personality rights, two-dimension structure, three-dimension structure,succession of law
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