
标准·绩效·协同——21世纪初澳大利亚教师政策的核心 被引量:4

Standards·Performance·Synergism——the Core of Australian Teacher Policy at the Beginning of 21st
摘要 进入21世纪,澳大利亚政府出台一系列旨在"提高教师质量与积极性"的政策与措施,其核心为标准、绩效与协同。"标准建设"是教师专业化与质量保证的基点与标杆;"绩效激励"是提升教师士气与积极性的触点与催化剂;"协同合作"是推动教师专业发展与队伍内部质量均衡的孵化器。 In the early 2000s, the Australian government issued a series of policies and measures to im- prove teacher quality and enthusiasm, and the keywords of these policies are: standards, performance and synergies:"standard construction" is the basic points and benchmark of teacher professionalization andquality assurance "performance incentives" is the catalyst that can enhance teachers enthusiasm " syn- ergism" is the incubator that promote the professional development of teachers within the ranks.
出处 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期71-75,共5页 Education Science
关键词 标准 绩效 协同 澳大利亚教师政策 standards performance synergism Australia teacher policy
  • 相关文献



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