本文采用山东省日平均气温资料,基于Mann Kendall检验方法,分析了山东省采暖与降温度日数的空间分布和时间变化趋势。同时,采用度日数序列对度日数等值线最密集的济南进行了关于城市热岛效应特征的初步探讨。结果表明,山东省采暖度日数空间分布具有纬向分布和地形影响特征,多年均值在2279~2945℃·d之间;降温度日数除受地形影响外,还具有海陆分布特征,多年平均值分布在1~155℃·d之间。采暖度日数的长期变化呈现显著下降趋势,在44.6~162.3℃·d·(10 a)^(-1)之间;降温度日数趋势大部分站点不显著,仅18个站点有上升趋势,在4.5~1 7.3℃·d·(10 a)^(-1)之间。济南在1965 2010年,郊区采暖度日数始终高于城市,在大部分年份降温度日数都是城市高于郊区。采暖与降温度日数城郊差值都在20世纪70年代末至80年代初达到高值段,近年最小。
Climate and energy has an increasingly close relationship and degree day is the simplest and the most reliable index to measure energy demand. Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of heating and cooling degree days, based on Mann-Kendall test, by selecting a set of daily average temperature data in Shandong Province, have been analyzed in this paper. Also, urban heat island effect has been discussed by means of the trend of degree days in Jinan. Results show as follows: (1) Spatial distribution of heating degree days is mainly affected by latitude and topography, average value fluctuating in a range of 2279-- 2945 ℃ . d, while distribution of cooling degree days tends to be related to topography and land-sea distri- bution, average value varying between 1 and 155℃ . d. (2) Heating degree days appear to be significant decreasing trends varying between 44.6 and 162.3 ℃ . d . (10 a)-1 , while cooling degree days at 18 sta- tions present significant increasing trends, ranging between 4.5 and 17.3℃ .d . (10 a)-1 , no remarkable positive trends observed at the other stations. (3) Heating degree days in the suburb of Jinan are always higher than those in the urban during the period from 1965 to 2010, on the contrary, cooling degree days in the urban are higher in most years of the period. The difference value of heating degree days and coolingdegree days between in the urban and in the suburb indicates the highest level in the late 1970s and in the early 1980s and the lowest level in recent years.
Meteorological Monthly