基于对MIMO技术的研究,提出了一种DRR(Double Roud Routing)双环路由协议,通过对整个网络中的节点进行了隐式分群,并在区域内采用鱼眼策略进行了优化。通过NS2网络仿真平台进行模拟,分别与ZRP和DIV协议进行比较,结果表明,DRR协议对整个网络的吞吐性能,端到端时延和网络开销有较好的优化效果。
Based on the study of both the multiplexing and diversity strategy, a Double Roud Routing protocol is presented, which can be used to divide the whole network into double zones. In addition,a Fisheye Technolgy is used to improve the Table-Driven routing strategy. Finally,through the NS2 network simulation implemented,the DRR protocol is respectively compared with the ZRP protocol and the traditional DIV protocol .The result shows that DRR protocol has a good effect on the throughout performance, end-to-end delay and network overhead in the whole network.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance