以水合法制丙二醇为例,对连续搅拌釜式反应器(CSTR)的开车过程进行了动态模拟研究,分析了开车过程中温度、浓度、转化率随时间的变化曲线,确定了影响反应器开车能否成功的主要因素,并对反应器的抗干扰能力进行了分析。研究结果表明,在反应器进料温度(T0)297.15 K的条件下,反应器开车失败;而将反应器的进料温度升至300.00 K,可使反应器开车成功;影响反应器开车成功与否的主要因素是反应器的进料温度是否高于其点火温度,而该反应体系的点火温度为297.70 K。借助多态理论指导使反应器成功开车后,在T0为297.15 K的条件下稳态操作,当反应器的进料温度升高时,对反应器的操作稳定性影响不大;当进料温度降温幅度低于3.00 K时,反应器仍能维持在高转化率的状态下操作;但当反应器的进料温度降温幅度大于或等于4.00 K时,反应器的操作状态将从高转化率跌落至低转化率,导致反应器的自动停车。由此可知,该反应器虽具有一定的抗扰动能力,但其稳定性较差。
Dynamic simulation on start-up of CSTR was performed using hydration production of propylene glycol from propylene oxide (PO) and water as a benchmark reaction. The time evolution of the reactor temperature, component concentration and reactant conversion was obtained, and the key factors to determine a successful start-up of CSTR were identified. The operating stability of CSTR was then analyzed. The results demonstrate that start-up could fail when the feedstock temperature is 297.15 K, while it would succeed when the feedstock temperature is 300.00 K. This indicates that one main factor to influence the start-up of CSTR is the tedstock temperature: when the feedstock temperature is higher than the reaction ignition temperature, the start-up would be successful, otherwise it would be failed. For the benchmark reacting system, the ignition temperature is 297.70 K. After the CSTR is started-up successfully, a rising feedstock temperature does not increase the operating stability obviously. When the feedstock temperature decreases less than 3.00 K, the CSTR exhibits a higher PO conversion. However, when the feedstock temperature decreases more than 4.00 K, the PO conversion drops dramatically, which could eventually lead to an automatic shut-up of CSTR. Overall, the CSTR with the benchmark reaction has certain anti-interference ability to the feedstock temperature, but the operating stability is poor in general.
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology