
海法视角下的专属经济区主权权利 被引量:11

On sovereign rights in the exclusive economic zone:a perspective of the law at sea
摘要 专属经济区主权权利是《联合国海洋法公约》下构建的重要海法制度,相关原则、规则已构成国际习惯法的一部分。行使该主权权利,要划清与国家主权的界限,避免专属经济区领海化;同时,也应认识到以《联合国海洋法公约》为基础构建起来的专属经济区海法制度所具有的普遍国际法地位及其普遍拘束力,避免在专属经济区主权权利行使上搞双重标准。对于专属经济区内的军事活动、剩余权利分配、安全职能等未定议题,中国应积极发挥建设性作用。 The legal system of sovereign rights enjoyed by coastal states in the Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) is among the essential parts of the legal systems of law at sea established under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UN- CLOS), the rules and principles pertaining to which have grown up into part of customary international law. In exercise of sovereign rights, it is to be avoided to utilize EEZ in the same manner as that in the territorial sea, and thus a demarcation line shall be drawn clearly from the state sovereignty. Further, since the legal system of EEZ set forth under the UNCLOS is widely recognized as the universal international law and achieves universal binding force, it is also denounced to pursue doub- le-standard policy in the exercise of sovereign rights within the EEZ. As to discussion and resolution of those unsettled hot is- sues like military activities in the EEZ, distribution of residual rights therein and whether or not security-related function tobe added to the established resource oriented function, China is expected to play a constructive role.
作者 周新
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2012年第4期87-96,共10页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
关键词 专属经济区 主权权利 领海化 双重标准 海法 exclusive economic zone sovereign rights territoriality double-standard policy law at sea
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