目的评价131I治疗巨大甲状腺肿性Graves病的治疗效果和131I使用剂量的最优化。方法经过131I治疗104例巨大甲状腺肿性Graves病患者,依据SPECT甲状腺断层显像确定甲状腺质量为70~200g,平均(93.2±27.5)g,根据患者个体因素确定个体化的每克甲状腺组织131I剂量,一般每克甲状腺131I剂量范围为3.7~7.77MBq,给予的131I治疗剂量范围为518~1369MBq。结果一次131I治疗后,60例(57.7%)甲状腺功能恢复正常,30例(28.9%)大部分缓解,8例(7.7%)部分缓解,4例(3.8%)甲减,仅2例(1.9%)无效,且无效的2例患者经第2次131I治疗后都明显缓解。结论 131I治疗巨大甲状腺肿性Graves病是一种安全有效的方法;依据甲状腺断层显像确定甲状腺质量和根据患者个体情况确定个体化的每克甲状腺组织131I剂量可以优化131I治疗效果。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of^131I Ireatment for hyperthyroidism of Graves' disease, and to optimize the doses of ^131I. Methods One hundred and four patients with hyperthyroidism of Graves' disease received ^131I treatment. The quality of thyroid was determined to be 70--200 g [(93.2±27.5) g in average] based on SPECT. The dose of ^131I was applied according to the individual factors of patients, normally 3.7-7.77 MBq ^131I per gram of thyroid. The range of the therapeutic dose of ^131I was 518-1 369 MBq. Results After ^131I lreatment, 60 patients (57.7%) had thyroid function returned to normal, 30 patients (28.9%) achieved most response, 8 patients (7.7%) achieved partial response, 4 patients (3.8%) suffered hypothyroidism, and 2 patients (1.9%) showed no response. The 2 patients achieved obvious response atter the second ^131I treatment. Conclusion ^131I treatment is safe and effective for hyperthyroidism of Graves' disease. To optimize the therapeutic effect, the dose of ^131I should be determined according to the quality of thyroid and the individual factors of patients.
Hainan Medical Journal