
论间性理论视阈下的大学英语多模态教学与研究——兼论外语教育技术的哲学基础 被引量:57

An Intersexuality-Theory-Oriented Study on Multimodal College English Teaching and Research——On the Philosophical Foundation of Modern Foreign Language Educational Technology
摘要 现代教学系统四要素之间的相互关系体现了间性理论的哲学思想,教育技术与外语课程的整合更加凸显了间性理论作为现代外语教育技术学科哲学基础的重要性。从推动教育技术与外语教学整合的需要出发,用间性理论的哲学视角,重点探讨多模态教学实践模式。根据大学英语课堂教学的交互性原则、多模态原则和跨文化原则,提出大学英语课堂教学设计原则模型MAP(Multimodal APPLEPIE,或称"多模态苹果派"),强调在MAP的教学应用中,要突出主体互动,加强课堂教学设计,实施有效的多模态教学。同时,鉴于大学英语教学改革及实践的复杂性、艰巨性,提出通过社团实践,加强学生自主学习和合作学习,创新大学英语课程文化。 “intersexuality” The relationship of the four key elements of modern instructional system reflects the philosophy of the theory, and the integration of educational technology and English education shows that the “intersexuality” theory is an important philosophical foundation for the discipline construction of foreign language educational technology. According to interactive, muhimodal and intercuhural teaching principles, a principle model for College English classroom instructional design “MAP” is put forward. Then, the practical application of MAP in College English classroom teaching is discussed, focusing on two points: 1 ) Intersubjectivity is highlighted to realize effective teaching: 2) MAP-based instructional design is intended to teach muhimodally and effectively.
作者 郭万群
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期21-26,共6页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 全国教育科学规划大学外语专项课题"大学英语课堂教学多模态话语研究"(项目编号:GPA105003)阶段性成果 河南省高校教学团队建设立项资助
关键词 大学英语多模态教学 外语教育技术 间性理论 哲学视角 Muhimodal College English Teaching Foreign Language Education Technology Theory of Intersexual- ity Philosophical Perspective
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