血压控制是妊娠高血压疾病主要的治疗方法之一。单纯的妊娠期高血压和子痫前期血压达到150/90 mmHg,有合并症或慢性高血压患者血压达到140/90 mmHg时应开始降压治疗,血压控制在130~140/80~89mmHg。轻症患者口服降压药物,首选甲基多巴、拉贝洛尔、硝苯地平等药物,非洛地平、美托洛尔等备选;收缩压超过160 mmHg或舒张压超过110mmHg时应使用速效药物静脉应用降压,肼苯哒嗪为首选,硝普钠、硝酸甘油、硝酸异山梨酯等备选,胎儿成熟或72小时后血压控制不理想应终止妊娠。
Blood pressure control is one of the main treatment methods for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Antihypertens- ive therapy should be initiated when blood pressure reached to 150/90mmHg in patients with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia without co-morbidities or blood pressure reached to 140/90mmHg in patents with chronic hypertension and gestafional hypertension and preeclampsia with co-morbidities. Blood pressure should be controlled to 130 - 140/80 - 89mmHg. For patients with mild and moder- ate hypertension, oral administration of antihypertensive drugs such as methyldopa, labetalol and nifedipine are the first choice, and felo- dipine and metoprolol may be used as alternative drugs. For patients with systolic blood pressure higher than 160 mmHg or diastolic pressure higher than 110 mmHg, rapid acting antihypertensive drugs should be used intravenously. In this case, the first choice is hydralazine, while sodium nitroprnsside, nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate may be used as alternative drugs. It is necessary to termi- nate pregnancy if fetus was mature or blood pressure control was fail after 72 hours of treatment.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Blood pressure control