对 5个地点 1 3个桤木种源 ,6年生试验林的生长性状作了方差分析及G×E互作分析 ,证实树高、材积在种源间差异极显著 (F =7 93 和F =4 83 ) ,种源内家系间差异不显著 ,种源×环境的互作显著(F =2 70 和F =2 2 1 )。用bi 和s2 di,Wrick生态价和AMMI模型 3种方法对遗传稳定性和生长适应性作了评价 ,AMMI分析与生态价方法的评价结果较一致。 6年生和 1 4年生的树高生长相关显著 (r =0 75 80 ) ,表明桤木早期选择的可靠性。树高、胸径和材积的种源遗传力及其标准误分别为 0 8738± 0 0 482、0 796 1± 0 0 71 8、0 792 9± 0 0 72 7。运用指数选择 ,若各地点选择本地点最好的 1个种源 ,预期增益为39 0 3% ;若各地点选择本地点最好的 2~ 3个种源 ,5个地点材积的平均育种增益为 2 7 5 7%。根据主效应值和稳定性参数分析结果 。
According to the 6 year old data of Alnus cremastogyne , the experiment analysis has been made for the 13 provenances in 5 sites. It proved that there was a highly significant difference among provenances in height ( H ) and single tree volume( V)(F =7.93 ** and F =4.83 ** ), and the interaction between provenance and environment was also highly significant( F =2.70 ** and F =2.21 ** ). Their genetic stability and growth adaptability have been evaluated using Eberhart etc's trait regression parameters ( b i and s 2 di ), Wrick's ecovalue parameter ( W i ) and Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction analysis (AMMI).The estimates of AMMI were greatly concordant with the estimates of ecovalue. Age age correlation analysis results showed that there were significant correlation in heights at 6 years and 14 years( r =0.7580), which showed the reliability of early selection. The provenance heritablities and standard errors of main growth traits in H , diameter of breast height ( DBH ) and V were respectively 0.8738±0.0482、0.7961±0.0718 and 0.7929±0.0727. If the best provenance or 2~3 superior provenances were selected in each site respectively, the expected gain for volume is 39.03%, the average genetic gain for the volume is 27.57% respectively. According to the main effective values and stability parameters, the suitable regions for the provenances were estimated.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
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Alnus cremastogyne, Provenance× environment interaction, Genetic stability, Growth adaptability, Genetic parameters, Comprehensive assessment