
我国城镇化建设、土地政策关联度及其实态因应 被引量:5

The Association and Actual State Response between Urbanization and Land Policy in China
摘要 土地政策是引致城镇化建设的根本因素,其所规范的土地利用方式、人地关系和激励机制为城镇化建设提供了构成要件;国家土地政策的调整方向决定城镇化道路的阶段性特征。城镇化进程中产生的新的经济关系要求和新的发展理念对土地政策具有反作用,是诱致土地政策调整的一个重要因素。现阶段快速城镇化建设以及由此决定的农地非农化特征导致的土地问题日益突出,创新土地政策,促进城镇化健康发展势在必行。 Urbanization is an objective trend of China' s economic and social development, while, the land issue is the core in the process of urbanization. The process of urbanization, successfully or not, depends largely on the ability to deal with land issues, the key of which is to formulate scientific and rational land policy. China's urbanization is entering a period of accelerated development in the late 1990s and the 21st century. The latest data of the National Bureau of Statistic displays that China's urban population has reached 690 million in 2011. China's urbanization rate has reached 51.27 percent. The rapid advance of the urbanization needs land as space carrier. Taking into account the needs of the country's food security and land red-line, the future expansion of the construction land will increasingly become difficult. In particular land resource endowments, Land systems and policies will have a profound impact on the future development of urbanization, which determines the direction of urban land use, land use patterns and land use behavior, thereby affecting the speed, direction and health of the development of urbanization. Therefore, it' s important theoretical and practical double value for urbanization to study on the association between the two land policy and urbanization. This paper argues that there are two dimensions to understand association of urbanization and land policy: First, the land policy has a role in boosting urbanization. Second, in the process of urbanization the solution of various problems need land policy innovation. The land policy is the fundamental factors leading to urbanization which is the show of the productivity effect released from land policy framework. Urbanization development needs to have certain conditions, such as the migration of the rural population to urban and non-agricultural industries, expending urban land space, necessary funds, and so on. The relationship of land ownership, land use patterns, the relationship between people and land in the land policy specification provides constituent elements for urbanization : ( 1 ) Rural land policy provides the premise for the population urbanization;(2)Farmland conversion policy provides the conditions for space urbanization;( 3 ) Urban land supply policy provides the funds for the construction of urbanization ; (4) Land policy avoids the risk of urbanization. Since the reform and opening up, the constraints and incentives to land use and property rights rela- tionship from gradual adjustment of land policy directly caused or contributed to the stage characteristics of urbanization development road. (1)At the beginning of the reform and opening up( 1980s to early 90s), household contract responsibility system, land Collective switch, State to confiscate land promoted to township enterprises and urban economic reform,thereby bringing about Small towns prosperity. (2)After institutional transition (1990s to the early 21 st century), local government monopolizing land supply primary market, promote the rise of large and medium-sized cities through establishing economic development zones. (3)Since 2004, under the guidance of scientific development, encouraging rational land use policy which strengthen land management and regulate land supply, promote the quality of the development of urbanization. Urbanization will produce changes in the objective conditions, such as the new economic relationship requirements, changes in relative prices, and so on, which is counterproductive on land policy and is an important endogenous factor that induced land policy adjustment. Current Situation and development requirements of urbanization will affect connotation of land policy. The one hand, the urbanization policy needs suitable land use relationship to carry out; On the other hand, land issues in urbanization need adjust or change the land policy to solve. In the future, China's urbanization development philosophy is:urbanization of coordinated development, of urban and rural development, of sustainable development. At the same time, land issues have become increasingly prominent. Non-rational use of land resources, unfair distribution of land revenue, the marginalization of the interests of farmers, and others have become an important factor constraining the sustainable economic and social development,posed a challenge to the development of urbanization. In this thought,accelerating the urbanization should innovative land policy. At the end of the article, we proposed a few suggestions of reforming land policy.
作者 杨璐璐
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期34-44,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 城镇化 土地政策 关联度 土地合理利用 Urbanization land policy association rational use of land
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