某直接空冷机组凝结水泵电动机带负荷运行时,轴承水平方向的最大振动值为0.066 mm,轴承温度在30~45℃。发生故障时,凝结水泵电动机非驱动端水平方向的最大振动值上升至0.13 mm,电动机下轴承温度骤升至84℃,并且呈加速劣化趋势,停机解体检查发现电动机驱动端轴承室严重磨损。分析认为轴承室磨损故障是由电动机磁力中心偏移引发的振动大问题引起的。对已磨损的端盖轴承室进行了重新补焊车加工,使轴承与轴承室之间的紧力达到-0.02 mm,重新校核了中心;将电动机上轴承盖止口升高密封垫更换成厚度为2.0 mm的石棉垫,使电动机转子重量重新落于电动机上部轴承之上。处理后电动机轴承振动值降至0.065 mm的正常水平,轴承温度也恢复了正常。
The largest vibration value with load of a 600 MW direct air-cooling unit' condensate pump motor was 0.066 mm in horizontal direction, and the bearing temperature was at 30-45℃ before the fault occurred. When the fault occured, the horizontal maximum vibration value in drive end increased to 0.13 mm, the motor bearing temperature soared to 84 ℃. Shutdown inspection found that the motor bearing chamber in drive end was serious wear and tear. Thinked that the bearing wear failure was caused by the vibration problems due to the motor magnetic center offset. Brushing the plating cover bearing chamber in damaged end, adjusted the tension between the bearing and the bearing bearing and the chamber reaching to cover mouth sealing motor rotor weight -0.02 mm, and redoing the center check. Eventually the motor gasket was replaced with asbestos falling on the motor bearing again. pad After thickness of 2.0 mm, processing, the motor bearing vibration value failed to 0.065 mm, bearing temperature returned to normal.
Inner Mongolia Electric Power