
美国可再生燃料标准实施机制与市场跟踪 被引量:13

U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard implementation mechanism and market tracking
摘要 可再生燃料标准(RFS)是美国政府为提高生物燃料利用量,减少石油对外依存度与温室气体排放而制定的强制执行指令。美国环保署(EPA)根据RFS目标确定可再生燃料在道路交通燃料中的混配比例,并强制要求美国汽柴油炼制、混配与进口等责任商完成当年可再生燃料配比责任量(RVO);责任商需在年末向EPA提交足够多的可再生燃料身份码(RINs)以示完成任务。RINs跟随可再生燃料的生产或进口而获取,是跟踪可再生燃料利用与监测RFS目标是否完成的主要依据。独立的RINs可自由交易并形成市场,责任商可选择购买RINs来完成年度RVO。文中介绍了美国RFS的管理机制、实施进展与影响评价,重点介绍了RINs的产生、跟踪与交易。 U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a mandatory policy for promoting the utilization of biofuels in road transpiration sector in order to reduce the cotlntry's dependency on foreign oil and greenhouse gas emissions. U.S. Enviroiunental Protection Agency (EPA) defines the proportion of renewable fuels according to RFS annual target, andrequests obligated parties such like fossil fuel refiner, blenders and importer in the U.S. to complete Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) every year. Obligated parties prove they have achieved their RVO through a renewable fuels certification system, which generates Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) for every gallon of qualified renewable fuels produced or imported into U.S., RINs is a key for tracking renewable fuel consumption, which in turn is a key for implementing the RFS in the U.S., separated RINs can be freely traded in market and obligated parties could fulfill their RVO through buying RINs from other stakeholders. This briefing paper highlights RFS policy implementing mechanism and marketing tracking, mainly describes importance of RINs, and the method for generating and tracking RINs by both government and fuels industry participants.
出处 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期265-273,共9页 Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
基金 能源基金会(No.G-1205-16220)资助~~
关键词 可再生燃料标准 可再生燃料配比责任量 可再生燃料身份码 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO), Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs)
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