
四川省西部藏族地区包虫病流行区犬只感染棘球绦虫季节性规律研究 被引量:12

Seasonal infection pattern of dogs in endemic area of alveolar echinococcosis,Western Sichuan Province,China
摘要 目的通过了解犬只感染棘球绦虫(Echinococcus multilocularis spp.)的时间规律,以探索更加易行的犬驱虫策略。方法采取整群抽样的方法,在色达的洛若、康勒、色柯、大则和石渠的蒙沙、蒙宜、宜牛7个乡,初始纳入679只犬,使用吡喹酮进行每3个月1次的驱虫,采用ELISA对驱虫前犬粪进行检测。结果色达4月驱虫后至7月犬只感染率上升为13.25%,7月至9月感染率较低,石渠4月驱虫后至9月犬只感染率较低。两县在9月、12月驱虫后感染率出现显著性上升。结论色达、石渠主要感染季节为春、冬两季,犬只感染压较大,而色达这一现象更为明显,应在此季节加强对犬只的驱虫管理,制定更为优化的防治策略。 Our objective was to explore a more feasible de-worming strategy by investigating the infection pattern of E chinococcus multilocularis spp. in dogs in different seasons. We took the method of cluster sampling in 679 dogs initially in 7 townships of Shiqu and Seda counties. The de-worming of dogs was at the frequency of every three months, and before de-wor- ming, the dog dung was collected for Copro-ELISA test. The result was that the dogs' infection rate rose to13. 25% from A- pril to July in Seda County, but it was low from July to September. And it was also low from July to September in Shiqu Coun- ty. The infection rate of both counties rose significantly after the de worming. Therefore, we concluded that the most impor- tant infection seasons were spring and winter in Seda and Shfqu counties. In these two seasons, the infection pressure of dogs became much higher, which was more obvious in Seda County. Hence, we should strengthen the management of de-worming of dogs in these two seasons in order to make much better strategies for prevention and control.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期309-311,共3页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 四川省科技厅科技攻关项目(No.2008SZ0197) 四川省卫生厅科研项目(No.090401)资助~~
关键词 棘球绦虫 感染 季节性 Echinococcus multilocularis spp. dog infection seasonal
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