作为一个国际机构,联合国教科文组织在全球全民教育活动中发挥着重要的领导和协调作用,一直重视信息通讯技术(Information and Communication Technology,简称ICT)在促进教育发展方面的潜力。为了更好地应用ICT促进教育发展,联合国教科文组织在教育政策、终身教育、教师教育、网络学习和移动学习、信息共享等方面实施了系列项目,开展了研究、培训、信息传播和网络联系等活动,产生了重要的影响和良好的社会效益。本文通过查阅和分析网上文献,结合笔者所在国际农村教育研究与培训中心在联合国教科文组织框架下开展的ICT促进农村教育与农村发展项目,梳理了联合国教科文组织21世纪以来在ICT促进教育发展方面开展的主要项目,并分析了其目的、对象、方式、内容、技术手段、成果、经费来源和合作伙伴等特征。
As an international institute for intellectual cooperation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UNESCO) plays an important role of leadership and coordination on attaining quality education for all and also places great emphasis on tapping information communication and technology (ICT) 's potential in ed- ucation. UNESCO has implemented series of projects on education policy, lifelong learning, e- learning, mobile learning, information sharing,and also conducted activities on research, training, information dissemination and networking. All these projects have influenced and benefited many countries. Through searching and analyzing online literature and UNESCO International Research and Training Center for Rural Education ( INRULED ) 's ICT in Edu- cation for Rural Development (iERD) project, which the authors participated in, the article addressed UNESCO 's main projects on ICT in education since 21st century and analyzed their characteristics on objectives, target audience, content and technical method, implementation model, etc.
Open Education Research