根据1997年和2010年2期Landsat TM影像数据,运用遥感监督分类方法得到榆林市近13a土地利用分类图;应用GIS空间分析技术,采用定量和定性相结合的方法,对榆林市能源基地建设以来土地利用类型转换,土地退化时空规律,土地利用格局变化的驱动机制等进行了深入分析。研究表明,1997—2010年,榆林市土地利用时空格局发生了显著变化,其中果园、草地、林地面积大幅增加,增长幅度分别为1 578.8%,108%,84.6%;耕地及未利用地面积显著减少,减幅为57.1%和59.3%。土地利用变化存在明显的区域差异,各类型间的转化总体表现为未利用土地、沙地、耕地通过综合治理及退耕还林还草等措施,转化为有利于改善区域生态环境的林地、草地、果园。
This paper puts forward the land use classification map of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province in recent 13 years by using supervised classification method based on Landsat TM images in the years of 1997 and 2010. Furthermore, GIS spatial techniques combined with quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of land use change and its driving mechanisms. It was found that there was a significant change for the spatiotemporal land use patterns of Yulin City from 1997 to 2010. Orchard, grassland and forestland increased dramatically and their increasing ranges were 1 578. 8%, 108% and 84.6%, respectively. Cropland and unused land were significantly reduced by 57. 1% and 59.3%. The re- gional differences of the land use and land cover change were very obvious. However, the overall phenome- non about the regional land use change and conversions were that unused land, sandy land and cropland had been turned into grassland, forestland and orchards by the measures such as comprehensive treatment and the returning farmland to forest/grass land.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation