
海外华人跨国主义实践的模式及其差异--基于美国与新加坡的比较分析 被引量:25

Changing Patterns of Overseas Chinese Transnationalism:The United States v. Singapore
摘要 论文参考有关跨国主义的理论文献和实证研究,分析了移民个人、移民社会以及民族国家在国际移民进程和跨国活动中所扮演的不同角色,考察了在美国和新加坡的华人新移民及其社团组织与祖籍国之间互动模式的变化。结果显示,由于国际移民的迁移历史以及移居国(地)结构的多重差异,导致了海外华人社会在人口构成和族裔社区建设等方面存在显著差异。个人、社团、祖籍国和移居国实际上并不是单方面地影响着海外华人的跨国活动及其与祖籍国的互动关系,他们的互动关系还受到国家关系和地缘政治等宏观因素的制约。因此,国际移民参与跨国活动的主要目的是为了寻求更好的、更广阔的创业和就业机会,以便提高个人和族群在移居国的社会地位,但其结果因移居国社会的结构因素影响而产生差异。 In this paper, we use the burgeoning literature on transnationalism as reference to examine the roles of immigrants, diasporic communities, and nation states, looking specifically into the patterns and consequences of homeland engagements among immigrants who have been resettled in different host societies. Through a comparative analysis of new Chinese immigrants in the United States and Singapore, we examine the causes and consequences of the changes intheir diaspora-homeland interactions. We find that differences in emigration histories and in the contexts of immigrant reception lead to variations in diasporic formation. We also find that neither immigrants and their diasporic communities nor the sending or receiving states unilaterally initiate, or regulate, diaspora-homeland interactions, but that the individual agency and diasporic forces interact with state actions and broader geopolitical contexts to affect cross- border activities. We conclude that transnationalism, utilized as an alternative means to socioeconomic status attainment by immigrants, contributes to, rather than binders, immigrant integration into host societies.
作者 周敏 刘宏
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期1-19,共19页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
关键词 比较研究 国际移民 海外华人 新移民 跨国主义 祖籍国 Key words: international migration Chinese diaspora new Chinese immigrants transnat-ionalism assimilation integration homeland development
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