波束形成是声纳、雷达信号处理中的重要环节。由于高性能的宽带波束形成算法运算 量大并难以实时实现,因此开发研制高速度、高精度、高性能的波束形成器,就很必要。文章提出来 用TMS320F206及IMSA100为主要芯片,构成多波束宽恒定束宽波束形成器,可实现实时、高速、 高性能的多波束宽带恒定束宽波束形成,并给出了具体设计方案。水池实验结果,表明本文的系统 设计方案正确、可靠。
Bemforming is an important loop in SONAR and RADAR signal processing. The high performance broadband beamforming algorithm limites their realization in real time due to the computation complexity. It is necessary and important to develop a high speed, high accuracy beam former. In this paper,a multi-beam broadband constant beamwidth beam former system is proposed using TMS320F206 and IMSA100 as main chips to realize the beam forming procedure in real time with high speed. The results of water tank experiment show that the design scheme proposed is correct and reliable.
Ship Engineering