镇江市新区大路污水厂采用好氧-厌氧-好氧(OAO)工艺。在进水COD、BOD、SS、NH3-N、TP浓度分别为263.00、106.00、118.00、17.00和3.25 mg/L的条件下,处理出水COD、BOD、SS、NH3-N、TP浓度分别为41.000、8.000、8.000、3.780和0.348 mg/L,出水达到GB 18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》的一级A标准。
OAO process is applied in Zhenjiang New Area Dalu Sewage Treatment Plant.With the concentrations of influent COD,BOD,SS,NH3-N,TP being 263.00,106.00,118.00,17.00 and 3.25 mg/L separately,the concentrations of effluent COD,BOD,SS,NH3-N,TP can be 41.000,8.000,8.000,3.780 and 0.348 mg/L accordingly.The outflow quality can arrive at Standard A of First Class from GB 18918—2002 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant.
China Municipal Engineering