云南已知毛翅目昆虫 2 4科 77属 32 1种 ,含云南特有种 1 52种。其中东洋界分布成分占 83% ,东洋 -古北界东部共布成分占 9% ,东洋 -古北界西部共布、东洋 -非洲界共布和广布成分所占比例均小于 4%。云南毛翅目在我国的分布以西南型( 4 4% )、华南型 ( 2 1 % )和西南 -华南共布型 ( 9% )为主 ,其次为向东扩散的西南 -华南 -华中 ( 5% )和华南 -华中 ( 4 % )共布型。云南与毗邻省四川的毛翅目区系关系最密切 ,其次是西藏和福建 ;与青海、内蒙古联系很小 ,新疆和宁夏尚无共布种。与东洋界邻近国家印度、缅甸的区系关系最为密切 ;与古北界东部的日本、朝鲜区系关系亦较密切 ,与蒙古、俄罗斯联系很小。云南省各水系的毛翅目区系多样性及丰富度有较大的差异。金沙江毛翅目种类最丰富 ( 1 35种 ) ,其次是澜沧江 ( 97种 )和元江 ( 89种 ) ,南盘江水系多样性最差 ( 2 6种 )。水系毛翅目区系相似性分析表明 ,不同水系毛翅目区系的差异度明显高于同一水系 ,并据此对云南省水生昆虫区划作了初步探讨。
Up to now, 321 species in 77 genera of 24 families of Trichoptera have been found in Yunnan province, of which 152 species are endemic to Yunnan. The Oriental distribution is the most predominant component, 83% of the total species are fall in this pattern. Next, is the component of oriental/east palearctic distribution which contains 9% of the total species. Of the total species in Chinese zoological Regions, 44% are found only in south west region, 21% are found in southern China, and 9% are found in both two regions. Yunnan Trichoptera fauna shows the closest relationship with the fauna of Sichuan than with other adjacent provinces, with 55 species in common. Next is Yunnan Tibet (31 species in common) and Yunnan Fujian (30 species in common). In comparison of the fauna to Oriental country south to China, India and Burma have the closest relationship than other countries, with 29 species and 17 species in common, respectively. In the relationship to East Palearctic countries north to China, Yunnan Japan and Yunnan Korea have close relationships, with 15 species and 13 species in common, respectively. Species composition and abundant are quite different in different river systems: Jinsha Jiang has the most species diversity (135 species), with Lancang Jiang (97 species) and Yuan Jiang (89 species) diversity also high. Analysis of river fauna similarity shows that the fauna of same river system possess higher Dice Similarity Coefficient than that between different river system. Comparison amongAquatic Insect Ecoregions and Agriculture Forest Ecoregions of Yunnan are explored.
国家自然科学基金资助项目!( 39770 1 1 3)
Trichoptera, aquatic insects, fauna, Ecoregion, Yunnan