基于选择性抑制法的原理 ,通过对聚阴离子和表面活性剂的筛选实验 ,以及试剂配方和实验条件优化实验 ,建立了直接测定高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL C)的方法。本法的线性范围达 3 9mmol/L ,批内CV为 1 45 %~ 2 0 2 % ;总CV为1 71%~ 3 14% ,和PTA法比较 :Y =0 992 3X +0 0 5 2 ,r =0 9834 ,n =6 6。加入HDL组份的回收率为 10 0 1% ,本法的特异性好 ,加入LDL C达 6 5mmol/L ,VLDL TG达 8mmol/L ,胆红素 <140 μmol/L ,血红蛋白 <9 6g/L对结果无影响。本法的总误差为 6 0 %~ 7 3% ,达到NCEP提出的≤ 13%的分析目标 ,适合临床常规应用。
A Method of direct assay for high density lipoprotien cholesterol(HDL C)was reserched.The kinds and concentration of polyanion and detergent were selected by experiment and the compositions of reagent and the conditions of analysis were estabilished wiht optimization experiment,to be based on the principle of selective inhibition method.The linearity of this method was up to 3 9 mmol/L,the precisions were 1 45 2 02% for wihtin run CV and 1 71 3 14% for total CV.Correlation between results obtained by this method( Y )and PTA method( X )was Y=0 9923X+ 0 052 mmol/L, r=0 9834,n=66 The recovery was 100 1% No interference were showed when addition of isolated LDL fraction(LDL C up to 6 5 mmol/L)and VLDL fraction(VLDL TG up to 8 mmol/L),bilirubin(<400 μmol/L)and hemoglobin(<9 6 g/L)to pooled serum,represently.The total error of this method were 6 0 7 3% to achieved 1998 NCEP total error goal of ≤±13% for HDL C measurement.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science