
管理者特质与民营企业出口绩效 被引量:22

Manager Traits and the Export Performance of Private Enterprises
摘要 借鉴特质理论和市场导向的新近观点,以中国民营企业出口营销为研究背景,通过探讨先动型市场导向和反应型市场导向的中介作用,以理清民营企业管理者特质与出口绩效的作用关系。利用217家中国出口型民营企业的研究数据,采用结构方程模型中的路径分析和多元回归分析进行研究假设检验。实证结果表明,管理者国际化经验对先动型市场导向和反应型市场导向有积极作用,管理者企业家精神仅对先动型市场导向有显著影响,管理者政治关联性对反应型市场导向有积极影响、对先动型市场导向有消极影响。两类市场导向对企业出口绩效均有显著影响,但在不同国际市场动荡性条件下,两类市场导向对出口绩效的驱动作用呈现差异性,国际市场动荡性显著地强化先动型市场导向对出口绩效的正向影响、消减反应型市场导向对出口绩效的积极影响。 Learning from the new points of view in the trait theory and market orientation and taking on the export marketing of Chinese private enterprises (CPE) as research background, this study clarifies the relationship between manager traits of private enterprises and the export performance (EP) through exploring the mediating effects of proactive market orientation (PMO) and responsive market orientation (RMO). The research analyzes data from 217 Chinese private export-oriented enterprises and test hypothesis by employing path analysis method in structural equation model and multivariate regression analysis method. The find- ings empirically show that managers' international experience exerts positive impacts on both PMO and RMO, while the manager entrepreneurship only affects PMO; managers' political ties positively influences RMO and negatively influences PMO. Mean- while, both PMO and RMO exert significant impacts on EP. Nonetheless, the driving roles of two types of market orientation present differences in varying international market turbulence conditions. The international environment turbulences magnificently intensify the positive impact of PMO on EP and weaken the positive impact of RMO on EP.
作者 李巍 许晖
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期40-50,共11页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71072100)~~
关键词 民营企业 特质理论 管理者特质 先动型 反应型市场导向 出口绩效 private enterprises trait theory manager traits proactive/responsive market orientation export performance
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